Friday, August 31, 2007

Game Q and PA

I'll be a happy gamer playing these for a while. Actually, it doesn't look like I'll actually get Metroid until Tues. or later. Stupid postal service and their days off. How dare they!?
(Oh, My wife was disappointed w/ the lack of pictures, so here ya go.)

Oh so we're trading links now are we? If you like Penny Arcade, Wired has a great write up on them here but it's a bit lengthy.

Zero Punctuation: Heavenly Sword and RE 5

This guy has some pretty funny comments on the Heavenly Swords demo and the Resident Evil 5 trailer. I'll warn you, though, that it's flash animation and probably not safe for work due to some harsh language in a couple of spots.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Knock knock...

So what's going on in here guys? Due to a sick mother-in-law, I had to miss todays lunch.

I did play quite a bit of Metroid Prime 3 to make up for it though.