First off, this game is great. Altair's movements and the camera work are top notch. Also the story is really pretty good. The game gets knocks for being very repetitive though.
- Attach a rubber band to the controller so that it holds down the RT. This allows you to run all the time and not cramp up your hand. Mine was so severe that I had to take a break from the game for several days
- Whenever you talk to someone in the Assasin's Bureau is a good time for a bathroom break since they're usually idiots and don't really tell you anything useful (Also, why does every town have an Assasin's Bureau? Wouldn't that be a good sign that your town is unsafe?)
- Don't bother completing more than 3 tasks at each location or collecting flags
- Don't miss the chance to fast travel to cities that you've already been to like I did by repeatedly hitting A to make the horse gallop when you get to that certain archway