Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Looking forward, not back

Usually how it works on here is that I play a game, gather my impressions, then write a bit about it on here. Since I haven't been playing nearly as much I can't really do that. Plus, since we're sort of in the dead period of game releases (seriously, no sports I care about and no games coming out?) I start to think about what I'm going to play next when it finally comes out.

Tops on that list is Skyrim. The fifth in the series and I only started at four. But that one was Oblivion and it sort of blew me away when I first played it. Coming from a Zelda background where you had a ton of freedom to go wherever you wanted in whatever order you wanted, this game took that and brought it to a whole new level. You could interact with just about anything in the world. I quickly found that I could pick up any of the items I found laying around. I held on to the rusty dagger or wooden spoon I found in a cave because I may just need that! Anyway, the game had some issues, but it was lovable all the same. Some of the videos for Skyrim look like a huge graphical leap, which is sort of impressive considering it's running on the same Xbox 360 as the previous.

Speaking of Zelda, Skyward Sword is coming at some point and I'm excited because it's more Zelda, and it will be something to play on the dust-covered Wii. Looking at those trailers for the first time just now I'm pleased with the art style. Looks like they took the semi-realistic look from Twilight Princess and threw in the bright color palette from Wind Waker. But nothing in there makes me salivate or anything. It will be more Zelda I suppose, no more, no less.

Rounding out the list are the 3DS versions of Mario Kart and Super Mario. But Dave, you say, you don't even have a 3DS and have been calling them "stupid expensive wastes of tech" or something like that. That may be true, but this blog is called DS Lunch for a reason and I'm pretty much obligated to get the next portable Mario Kart based on the hours and hours I've gotten out of the last one. Surely I'll be able to find some kind of a system/game bundle or something for cheaper by the time that comes out, right?


Anthony Gutsch said...

The price on the 3DS is supposed to drop to 170 on august 12th

Dave said...

I saw that. At first I was excited to get one right away on the 12th until I realized that there still wouldn't be anything to play on it until fall.

Anthony Gutsch said...

Ya, im thinking about getting one... but not until after xmas