Friday, October 19, 2007

Metroid Prime 3 final thoughts (spoiler free)

So I finished MP3 earlier this week and was a bit disappointed. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised since I already knew that:
1. This hero doesn't talk much
2. I wasn't too impressed with most of the parts where you interact with the GF general guy.
I liked how the last planet/stage is different from the entire rest of the game but I wasn't too impressed with the final boss.
Oh, and in the "I'm an idiot" department, I initially got excited when I thought I could get an .mp3 file of the music in the game. Then I realized that just stand for Metroid Prime 3...Oh :(

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Awesome Portal Song

So, I just finished Portal tonight and got a chance to hear what must be one of the funniest video game songs I've ever heard. Check out the link (minor spoilers) to view the end credits along with the awesome song "Still Alive". It's funniest if you've played the game and get the references (especially about Black Mesa - "Just kidding, ha ha, fat chance!").

Of course, if you like funny video game songs it's hard to beat this (2:45 in).

Sunday, October 14, 2007

New Smash Bros Gameplay Footage

I found this pretty cool gameplay video of Smash Bros. It's pretty awesome, but it makes the wait until Feb. 10 seem longer than ever.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wind Waker cake

I saw this article at Kotaku and thought you guys would enjoy it. I'm guessing that the cake probably didn't taste very good, but that's wedding cake for you!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What I've been playing: the Xbox edition

I figured I'd sum up what I've been playing in one tidy little post. Since there's apparently some sort of "Halo" thing out now, I thought I should see what it's all about and played through the first two games for the first time. I was very impressed and I didn't even get to the multiplayer, which I've heard good things about as well. While the levels and enemies can get repetitive, the controls are tight and there are a good variety of weapons. I'll start on 3 sometime next week.
Gears of War is another I've spent some time with lately and it's really growing on me. The over the shoulder RE4 style view works well but the duck and cover mechanics take some getting used to. Again, no multiplayer on that as of yet either.
Rounding things out, I've played a few matches of Bomberman Live w/ my wife. I think she may be addicted to that and Hexic.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Why Smash Bros Brawl will be the best game of the year...

I always knew Snake was going to rock in Smash Bros, but I was not prepared for this level of utter awesomeness. Behold...

Snake on Samus

Halo 3 Screenshot and Movie Editor

I'm really enjoying the extra tools they've added to Halo 3. The video editor is probably my favorite so far, but I haven't had a chance to mess with the level editor yet. The game saves the most recent 15 or more match replays so you can always go back and learn from your mistakes or enjoy your victories.

The accompanying image shows what happened to the guy who got too close to my grenade. What's really cool about it is that I was able to pause the movie and dynamically place the camera in 3d-space. It's pretty fricking awesome once you start messing around with it.

It's getting colder, get your Wii remote jacket for free