Thursday, October 4, 2007

What I've been playing: the Xbox edition

I figured I'd sum up what I've been playing in one tidy little post. Since there's apparently some sort of "Halo" thing out now, I thought I should see what it's all about and played through the first two games for the first time. I was very impressed and I didn't even get to the multiplayer, which I've heard good things about as well. While the levels and enemies can get repetitive, the controls are tight and there are a good variety of weapons. I'll start on 3 sometime next week.
Gears of War is another I've spent some time with lately and it's really growing on me. The over the shoulder RE4 style view works well but the duck and cover mechanics take some getting used to. Again, no multiplayer on that as of yet either.
Rounding things out, I've played a few matches of Bomberman Live w/ my wife. I think she may be addicted to that and Hexic.

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