Thursday, November 4, 2010

Splinter Cell: Conviction

I didn't love or hate this game so I won't spend much time on the write up of it. I had it for a little over a week, completed the story, and sent it back. There's another gameplay mode that allows you to sneak around in new environments and stealthily take out a bunch of bad guys. Basically what you've been doing throughout the whole story mode, but now with little to no story. I tried one of these after I finished the game but just couldn't stay motivated to keep going. So it's a decent stealth shooter game that didn't try to make things too complicated, but failed to hold my interest for long.

One of the greatest parts of this game? The little noises that play when you interact with the menu items. Which sounds really odd, I know. But they're so unexpectedly different and yet they're familiar and somehow right.

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